
Awesome Marriage Podcast

Far too many couples are just surviving their marriage when it was meant to thrive. This is the place for practical tips on how to build an awesome marriage. Our passion is to help you strengthen your marriage. Dr. Kim Kimberling hosts the show. Dr. Kim is the President of Awesome Marriage, has been married for 53 years, and has been a professional counselor for 40 years. He is the author of 7 Secrets to An Awesome Marriage and 14 Keys To Lasting Love. Dr. Kim is joined by co-host Lindsay Few, Content Director for Awesome Marriage. She has been married for 20 years. Her husband is a church planter, and they love ministering to married couples together. Tune in each week to hear practical ways on how to have an awesome marriage! This podcast is brought to you by the ministry of Awesome Marriage.
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Awesome Marriage Podcast











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Now displaying: Category: Families
Apr 21, 2023

So many parents know the pain of a broken relationship with their adult child. This isn’t how you thought it would go, and you’re not sure how to love your child when they continue to break your heart. Today Dr. David E Clarke returns to the podcast to give some biblical steps that parents can take, individually or as a couple, with their prodigal child. 


Episode highlights include: 

  • 10 scenarios that can cause relational disconnect with your adult child

  • Steps to repairing your relationship when you’ve fallen short 

  • Resolving parental guilt - and what happens if you fail to do so

  • Forgiving the adult child that has broken your heart 

  • What role do other family members play? 


We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage. 


*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here


Nov 16, 2021

The Christmas season will be here soon, and it’s a great time to refocus on our faith as we celebrate Jesus’ birth. But exactly how can we do that in the midst of normal life plus holiday busyness?! There are lots of reasons why it’s easy to miss making our faith a part of daily life with our spouse and kids. So today, our special guests Deepak and Sara Reju give simple, practical ways to do just that, right in the midst of real life.


We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage. 



  • Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!  
  • Have you looked into our Marriage Changers membership yet? Marriage Changers get all of our monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits! Learn more here!


Sep 28, 2021

Is your family suffering from burnout and busyness? Do you suspect that there might be a better way to run your home than what you’ve been doing? Today Jefferson Bethke joins Dr. Kim on the podcast to talk about a biblical vision for families. In some ways, it runs counter to what we’re used to, but today Jefferson presents a biblical case for why the “nuclear family” ideal is failing us, and gives simple, practical steps for change. 

We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage. 




  • For more details, stories and next steps, grab a copy of Jefferson’s new book, Take Back Your Family



  • Your marriage can only be as healthy as the two of you are. The Bible says, “Let us examine our ways and test them and let us return to the Lord” (Lamentations 3:40). Our new Self Check-In Guide will help you do just that! 


  • We are thrilled to announce we’re putting on another Online Marriage Retreat this year! The theme is “Building a Life-Giving Marriage.” Registration is open now! And we are offering an additional 10% off when you use code “awesomemarriage10”! Find out more here.


  • Want to kick up the flirting in your marriage? We’re offering our podcast listeners a special chance to grab our “42 Sexy Notes” resource for free now, before they go live to the public next month! All you have to do is leave us a written review of the podcast, screenshot and send it to with “Free Notes” as the subject. Now go get reviewing so you can get to flirting! 
  • Get a bite-sized daily dose of marriage wisdom daily with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!  


  • Have you checked out our Marriage Changers membership yet? Marriage Changers get all of our monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits! Learn more here!


Jul 23, 2019

Parenting is hard work and can cause extra stress on your marriage. Many of couple’s conflicts surround or involve the children in one way or another.

Parenting on the same team helps eliminate some of that stress and is just overall a better and more effective way of parenting.

But what does it look like to parent on the same team? How can we practically do this well? That’s what Dr. Kim & Christina discuss in today’s episode.


Jul 11, 2019

Today on the podcast special guests Suzanne Gosselin & Gretta Kennedy join Dr. Kim.

Suzanne & Gretta are the authors of Grit & Grace: Devotions for Warrior Moms.

In this episode they about their devotional and share some encouragement for all the Moms out there. We are excited to have these women share today because we know so many of you listeners are Moms, or want to be a Mom one day, or are married to Mom. So fellas - don’t tune out! Trust us. Be a student of your wife if she’s a Mom by tuning into this podcast today and learning more about what she may be struggling with.

Tune in to hear more about the grit and grace of motherhood!


  • Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order!



Jan 17, 2019

Today on the Podcast we have Drew & Natalie Hill. Drew Hill is a pastor and author in Greensboro, NC. He is also on staff with the national Young Life office and provides resources for thousands of youth leaders around the world through his blog at

Drew has met with hundreds of parents who have been trying to figure out how to connect with their teenagers and communicate the gospel to them in a way their kids would understand. He has often wished he had one go-to resource that he could hand them. So he decided to create one! And that’s just what he did in his new book, Alongside: Loving Teenagers with the Gospel.

Today Dr. Kim chats with Drew & Natalie about Drew’s new book and how to come alongside teenagers well and face the issues that are at hand today.

Tune in to hear about how to parent teenagers well in the culture we live in today!



Sep 18, 2018

Are you in the throes of raising middle schoolers? Than this episode is for you! In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina address the challenges of raising middle schoolers and some tips for how to survive this season with your marriage intact.

Tune in to learn marriage musts when you have kids in middle school!


Sep 6, 2018

Are you a parent? Struggling to juggle your marriage amidst it all? Then this podcast episode is for you! In this 3 part series Dr. Kim and Christina share ways to keep your marriage good with kids at home. Today is way #2: Don’t coast.

Tune in to learn more!  

Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 3rd way to keep your marriage good with kids at home!


Sep 5, 2018

This is a mini series on ways to keep you marriage good with kids. Being parent is a huge responsibility, but if we want to have an awesome marriage we can’t put our parenting role above our role as a spouse. This week we wanted give some tips for how to stay intentional in your marriage amidst the task of parenting.

In this series we will be sharing 3 ways to keep your marriage good with kids. We will be going over 1 way each day. Today’s way is: Have a daily update.

Tune in to learn more!   

Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 2nd way to keep your marriage good with kids at home!

Sep 4, 2018

Are your littles draining your marriage? Each season of life comes with it’s own unique challenges. And many times as life’s demands change, our marriage goes to the wayside. We want to help you be intentional with your marriage and learn good, practical tips for keeping your marriage strong and thriving in EVERY season of life. In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about marriage musts when you have babies and toddlers.

Tune in to learn more about how to keep your marriage awesome even in the years with littles!


  • Need a date night to jumpstart your romance? Check out our Date Boxes!


Is conflict draining your marriage? Get Dr. Kim’s latest ebook Creating A Dream Marriage Part 4 - Fighting Until Your Marriage Wins with ANY donation to Awesome Marriage this month. In this short mini-book, Dr. Kim gives couples a better understanding of which unseen issues may be driving their fights, as well as tools to work together on a resolution, and essential rules for how to fight fair.


Aug 16, 2018

This week at Awesome Marriage we doing a Man Week! Dr. Kim & Nils are talking all things men and getting real about marriage as men and how to be the men God calls you to be.

But these episodes are not just for men! Wives- these are great episodes for you to listen to in order to better understand, love, and serve your husbands.

In this episode Dr. Kim & Nils talk about fatherhood and what makes a great father. They give practical advice and share real life stories about what it means to be a Godly father.

Tune in to learn more about godly fatherhood!

Aug 1, 2018

Today on the podcast we welcome special guest Karla Akin. Karla is an author and speaker. Karla is the mother of five, including twin sons with autism. She has a bachelor’s in special education from Western Governors University and a doctorate in Christian education from Kingsway Theological Seminary. She has nearly four decades of teaching experience in homeschooling, private school and public education.

Karla joins Dr. Kim to talk about her most recent book A Pair of Miracles: A Story of Autism, Faith, and Determined Parenting and her story of triumphs and mistakes as she walked alongside her autistic sons. This book is a powerful tool for any parent of a child with autism.

Tune in to learn more about autism and determined parenting!


Jun 12, 2018

It’s difficult to prioritize quality time with your spouse and family in the busy, fast paced culture we live in. This month at Awesome Marriage we are talking about quality time in marriage and different ways to find quality time. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina discuss practical ways to have a great family trip filled with quality time and memories that will last a lifetime.

Tune in to learn more about how to have a great family trip!  

Jun 7, 2018

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them.

In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How should we as family choose what activities to be involved in and what not to?

Tune in to find out!

May 29, 2018

Abuse in families is something that happens too often. As Christians, it’s hard to know how to navigate abuse with grace and yet respect for yourself and protection for yourself and your family. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina tackle this difficult topic and provide some encouragement for those dealing with the trauma of abuse.

Tune in to learn more!  

May 22, 2018

Having a family member that speaks poorly of your spouse can be very dangerous and put a strain on your marriage. It can be difficult to know how to deal with this family issue.  Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina discuss this issue and how to deal with it.

Tune in to learn more!  

May 10, 2018

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them.

In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: What can we do to get our teens to be obedient and respectful?

Tune in to find out!


Feb 15, 2018

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them.

In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How involved should we be in our children’s dating process and choices?

Tune in to find out!

Feb 6, 2018

This month at Awesome Marriage we are talking about culture traps that can affect your marriage. Culture influences all of us, but as Christians we often need to fight some aspects of culture to live life God’s way. God’s Kingdom is upside down when it comes to the world. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina discuss one common culture trap: that your career is more important than your family. They share how culture pushes this and how it can affect marriages.

Tune in to learn more about how to fight this culture trap!  

Jan 25, 2018

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them.

In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: We have a son and worry about him growing up in this sex crazed culture. What can I do to protect him?

Tune in to find out!

Jul 29, 2017

This podcast aired last year but we wanted to highlight it again because it was such a great conversation that can help a lot of people. Please enjoy this instant classic awesome marriage podcast! 

Rick is a best selling author, speaker, and founder of Better Dads. Rick inspires people with life-changing insights for men and women on parenting, marriage, and personal growth.

Rick joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about the need for good fathers and how the huge amount of absent fathers is affecting our society today. They give practical advice on how to be a great Dad and how God calls men to lead their families.

Tune in below to learn more about the deep need for good fathers!

Jul 22, 2017

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because it is such an important topic and insightful conversation. Please enjoy this Instant Classic Awesome Marriage Podcast! 

Jim is an author, speaker, and President of HomeWord. HomeWord is an organization that seeks to educate, equip, and encourage parents and churches to build God-honoring families.

Jim is a leading expert in teaching healthy sexuality to children. Jim joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about how to teach your children healthy sexuality. They give practical advice on how to equip your children to have a healthy view about sex that honors God’s plan for sex. They share ways to approach the sex talk with your children at each age.

Tune in below to learn more about teaching your children healthy sexuality!

May 30, 2017

This month at Awesome Marriage we are talking about myths people believe about marriage. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the myth: my loyalty should be with my family of origin because they raised me.

Tune in to learn more about this myth and how to make sure you aren’t believing it in your own marriage!

Feb 16, 2017

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them.

In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: My spouse and I can’t agree on what kind of education to give our kids. What should we do?

Tune in to find out!

Jul 26, 2016

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast we welcome Jamie Ivey on the podcast. Jamie is a Christian speaker, writer, emcee, and the Host of her own Podcast called The Happy Hour. Jamie joins Dr. Kim as they talk about adoption and how it affects marriage. She shares real life examples of her own adoption stories and how her and her husband Aaron kept their marriage strong during the trials that come with adoption.

Jamie is a huge advocate for adoption, both domestic and international. She and her husband Aaron have 4 children together. Jamie loves marriage and it is God’s greatest gift to her.

Tune in below to learn more about adoption and marriage.


You can hear more great insights from Jamie on her podcast. You can also follow her on Twitter and Facebook.  

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