Today on the podcast we welcome back special guest Rhonda Stoppe. Rhonda is an author and speaker dedicated to helping women live life with no regrets. She has more than 30 years of experience as a marriage mentor, pastor’s wife, author and speaker.
Today Rhonda joins Dr. Kim to talk about her new book, Real-Life Romance. Real-Life Romance is a book made up of 25 stories of couples who have found extraordinary love. Rhonda shows how in each case God was at work in the hearts of His people.
Tune in to be inspired by these love stories!
Today on the podcast Nils, Christina, and Dr. Kim talk about why romance often dies after “I do.” They discuss how to avoid the death of romance in your marriage and how to revive it if it’s already dead. They give practical keys to romance and share real life stories.
Tune in to learn more about successful romance in marriage!
You can purchase Keys to Lasting Love by Dr. Kim for more insights on love and romance. Love is the reason most of us took the step into marriage, but we know that for a marriage to thrive, love has to be more than a feeling. In the book, you will look at some of the characteristics of love and then the words of love from 1 Corinthians 12.
Today on the podcast Nils, Christina, and Dr. Kim talk about romance and what exactly romance means in a marriage. They discuss the different types of romance, what romance means to men and to women, and how to increase romance in your marriage.
Tune in to learn more about romance!
You can purchase Keys to Lasting Love by Dr. Kim for more insights on love and romance. Love is the reason most of us took the step into marriage, but we know that for a marriage to thrive, love has to be more than a feeling. In the book, you will look at some of the characteristics of love and then the words of love from 1 Corinthians 12.