Wives - are your words building your husband up? Do you know what your husband needs to hear? This podcast aired last year, and we are highlighting it again because of the great response we saw from it the first time. In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina give practical tips and talk about the different ways men need to be affirmed by their wives.
Tune in to learn more!
This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them.
In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: Waiting to have sex before marriage scares me. What do I do?
Tune in to find out!
Does the thought of sharing the gospel scare you? Do you feel ill equipped or does the concept altogether just seem foreign to you?
In today’s podcast episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk about how to share the gospel with your neighbors, together as a married couple.
You’ll be surprised how easy this can be and how much your faith will grow and your marriage will flourish when you take the time to be intentional about sharing the gospel.
Tune in to learn more!
Is this your story? We hope this podcast is helpful to you! This podcast aired last year, and we are highlighting it again because we know so many couples find themselves in this situation. In this episode Dr. Kim talks about what to do when you spouse isn’t open to counseling.
Tune in to learn more!
This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them.
In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How do I get my spouse to see that we have to make financial decisions together?
Tune in to find out!
Most of us are way too comfortable with lying and way too comfortable lying to our spouse.
In today’s podcast episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk about the small lies. How small deceptions and our comfortability with small lies is affecting our marriage.
Tune in to hear more about how the lies we tell are a bigger deal than we think!
Are you divorced and struggling? We hope this podcast is encouraging to you! We want to shed some gospel truth for those that find themselves divorced. This podcast aired last year, and we are highlighting it again. In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina discuss 1 truth every divorced Christian needs to know: His Blood is Enough.
Tune in to learn more! We pray it is encouraging and helpful to you!
This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them.
In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How do I tell my wife her jokes hurt me?
Tune in to find out!
We hear consistently that couples are struggling with how to survive the toddler years. Parenting is hard and can be hard on a marriage. Parenting toddlers can feel downright impossible and can be REALLY hard on a marriage. Because toddlers are learning life, and boundaries, and they haven’t learned how to deal with their emotions in a healthy way yet, they can honestly be kind of like tiny tyrants.
In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina speak specifically to those of you in that stage and give you some tips on how to keep your marriage healthy even with a tyrant in your home. They give you tools to tame that tyrant into a sane and emotionally healthy kid. Most importantly, they give you tips for getting your marriage awesome even in this hard season.
Husbands- are your words building your wife up? Do you know what your wife needs to hear? This podcast aired last year, and we are highlighting it again to encourage husbands to better affirm their wives. In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina discuss practical tips and talk about the different ways women need to be affirmed by their husbands.
Tune in to learn more!
This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them.
In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How do we find a local church we can agree on?
Tune in to find out!
One of the things we hear sometimes from spouses, particularly husbands, is that they feel like they lost their spouse when they had children.
It’s common for many spouses to feel second rate to their kids, but also feel like their spouse isn’t even their spouse any more. Too often we drop too much of ourselves for our children.
We know this is going to be a controversial episode but we want to go here because we get so many emails about this issue. We want to share our thoughts and what Dr. Kim learned over the years that he found to be successful in being a great parent but also not losing all of who you are.
In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina discuss how to not lose yourself in parenting.
During wedding planning, are you thinking about preparing for your marriage? This podcast aired last year, and we are highlighting it again. In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina discuss practical ways to prepare well for marriage.
Tune in to learn more!