Research shows that 69% of marital conflict is never resolved. We either sweep it under the rug, avoid the pain points, or get stuck in a cycle of conflict that may cause pain but not find resolution. Today Dr. Kim talks with special guest Anne Nelson, about the 4-stage process to break the fight cycle and heal your marriage from conflict. Anne is a Christian counselor who helps couples and individuals to find the fully thriving life God has for them.
Episode highlights include:
We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.
*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!
Today Dr. Kim welcomes return guests Levi and Jennie Lusko to the podcast. In this episode, they talk about their new book, The Marriage Devotional, and answer why they wrote a marriage devotional, how that process affected their marriage, the power of scripture in marriage gift God gave us, and much more!
Don’t miss this deeply encouraging episode!
Episode highlights include:
We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.
*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!
What are some of the major mistakes we hope couples avoid during dating and engagement? Today we’re talking all about unrealistic expectations. How can we tell when our expectations are unrealistic, and what can we do to keep them from becoming an issue in our relationships?
This one trips up about every couple at some point, so even if you’re married, this episode will be helpful to recognize, and deal with our expectations in a healthy and helpful way. Tune in for all the details on how not to let this major mistake wreck your relationship. We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage!
Episode highlights include:
*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!
What are some of the major mistakes we hope couples avoid during dating and engagement? Today we’re talking about what it means to focus on the wrong things. What are they, and why are we saying they’re wrong?
In Dr. Kim’s counseling experience, he’s seen some things that are just not helpful for engaged couples, so today he’s telling us some of the things he sees engaged couples focusing on that aren’t helpful to their future marriage. Spoiler alert: No matter where you are today, there is hope!
Episode highlights include:
We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.
*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!
What are some of the major mistakes we hope couples avoid during dating and engagement? Today we’re looking at a big one: Ignoring red flags. Thankfully, Dr. Kim has counseled so many engaged couples over the years, and has created our Preparing For Marriage online course. So today he sheds light on several common red flags and how to deal with them. Spoiler alert: No matter where you are today, there is hope!
Episode highlights include:
We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.
*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!