
Awesome Marriage Podcast

Far too many couples are just surviving their marriage when it was meant to thrive. This is the place for practical tips on how to build an awesome marriage. Our passion is to help you strengthen your marriage. Dr. Kim Kimberling hosts the show. Dr. Kim is the President of Awesome Marriage, has been married for over 50 years, and has been a professional counselor for 40+ years. He is the author of 7 Secrets to An Awesome Marriage and 14 Keys To Lasting Love. Dr. Kim is joined by co-host Lindsay Few, Content Director for Awesome Marriage. She has been married for 20+ years. Her husband is a church planter, and they love ministering to married couples together. Tune in each week to hear practical ways on how to have an awesome marriage! This podcast is brought to you by the ministry of Awesome Marriage.
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Awesome Marriage Podcast











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Now displaying: 2017
Dec 30, 2017

This is a podcast that aired earlier this year that we wanted to highlight again because of the incredible feedback we received.

In this podcast we have special guest Gary Thomas on the Podcast. Gary Thomas is a bestselling author and international speaker whose ministry brings people closer to Christ and closer to others.

Gary joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about Gary’s new book Cherish and how this one word could change everything for your marriage.

Tune in below to learn more about cherishing your spouse!



Be sure to check out Gary’s blog for more great insights from him. You can connect with Gary on Facebook and Twitter.

You can purchase Cherish here.

Dec 28, 2017

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them.

In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: My spouse and I can’t agree on anything. How do we fix this?  

Tune in to find out!

Dec 26, 2017

This month at Awesome Marriage we are talking about growing through the seasons of life in marriage.


Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina share about seasons of waiting. We all walk through seasons of waiting and it’s important to learn how to deal with waiting in a healthy way.


Tune in to learn more about how to best go through seasons of waiting!

Dec 23, 2017

This is a podcast that aired earlier this year that we wanted to highlight again because of the incredible feedback we received.

In this podcast we have special guest Pastor Chris Beall with Dr. Kim. Chris Beall is the Oklahoma City Campus Pastor at Chris also oversees half of the OKC metro campuses. Chris is married to Cindy Beall.

Chris joins Dr. Kim as they talk about the struggle of when couples feel like they have outgrown each other. They discuss barriers to closeness in marriage and how to stick together even when things are tough.

Tune in below to learn more about what to do when you feel like you’ve outgrown each other!



You can connect with Pastor Chris on Facebook and on Twitter.

Dec 21, 2017

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them.

In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: We struggle with jealousy in our marriage. How can we overcome it?

Tune in to find out!

Dec 20, 2017

Today on the podcast we welcome special guest Ted Lowe. Ted Lowe is a speaker, blogger, and the director of MarriedPeople, the marriage division at The reThink Group (also known as Orange), a non-profit organization devoted to influencing those who influence the next generation. Ted has been married to his wife Nancie for 22 years and they have 3 children.

Ted joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about Ted’s new book “Your Best Us: Marriage is Easier Than You Think.” Ted’s book shows couples how to create a better marriage by understanding simple truths.

Tune in below to learn more about how to become your best “us!”



You can purchase Ted’s book here. You can also read more great insights from Ted about marriage on his blog here!

Dec 19, 2017

This month at Awesome Marriage we are talking about growing through the seasons of life in marriage.

Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina talk about seasons of transition. They share real life examples and personal stories of what seasons of transitions look like and how to navigate them together in a healthy way.

Tune in to learn more about how to best go through seasons of transition!

Dec 16, 2017

This is a podcast that aired earlier this year that we wanted to highlight again because so many couples are affected by this tragedy.

In this podcast we have special guest Tommy Brown with Dr. Kim. Tommy Brown is a pastor, writer, speaker and financial development strategist.

Tommy joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about a topic is one that pains a lot of couples: miscarriage and other reproductive loss.

Tune in below to learn more dealing with miscarriage and other loss in marriage.



You can download Tommy’s spiritual memoir, ‘God Remains,’ of his wrestling with their miscarriage here for free. For more great insights from Tommy you can check out his website. You can connect with Tommy on Facebook and on Twitter.

Dec 15, 2017

This week on the podcast we are doing a mini series on goal setting. Each day we will be focusing on a topic surrounding setting goals as a married couple. Today’s topic is: how to track goals together.

Tune in to learn more how you can track goals for better success with your spouse!

Dec 14, 2017

This week on the podcast we are doing a mini series on goal setting. Each day we will be focusing on a topic surrounding setting goals as a married couple. Today’s topic is: how to set goals as a married couple.

Tune in to learn more how you can set goals with your spouse!

Dec 13, 2017

This week on the podcast we are doing a mini series on goal setting. Each day we will be focusing on a topic surrounding setting goals as a married couple. Today’s topic is: the importance of setting goals.


Tune in to learn more about why this is a crucial and beneficial thing to do in your marriage.

Dec 12, 2017

Today on the podcast we welcome back special guests Colby & Amanda Taylor. The Taylors are good friends of Dr. Kim’s. Amanda and Colby have been married for 11 years and have 5 beautiful children. Amanda is the owner of Embellished Weddings here in Oklahoma City where she plans and coordinates weddings. But Amanda, like us, is more passionate about the health of a marriage than the wedding day. Her heart is for couples to plan for a marriage that’s even better than the wedding. Colby is a Pastor at Life.Church and together they love to serve.

The Taylor’s join Dr. Kim as they discuss the highs in life and how to best enjoy the highs in life as a married couple.

Tune in below to learn more about making the most of the highs in life!  



You can find out more about Embellished Weddings here.

Dec 9, 2017

This is a podcast that aired earlier this year that we wanted to highlight again because of the amazing response we received the first time it aired. Our prayer is that this helps many couples out there who are struggling in this area.  

In this podcast we have special guest J. Parker with Christina Dodson for a special edition “Wives Talk” podcast. J. Parker is a Christian intimacy author and speaker. Her mission is to reclaim sexuality for marriages as God intended. She has been blogging about marriage and sexual intimacy since 2010 and has written 3 books on marriage intimacy. J. has been married for 22 years and holds a master’s degree in counseling.

J. joins Christina today as they talk specifically about common issues women face when it comes to sex. They discuss common questions women have when it comes to sex and tackle many of the tough issues when it comes to sex.

Tune in below to learn more about what God wants for Christian married women when it comes to sex!


*The podcast is all about sex and Christina and J. talk specifics. This is an R rated podcast for adults only.



Be sure to read more great insights about sex on J.’s blog. You can follow J. online at Hot, Holy, and Humorous. You can also connect with her on Facebook and Twitter.

You can purchase Holy, Holy, and Humorous here.

Dec 7, 2017

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them.

In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How can I support my wife when she is emotional?

Tune in to find out!

Dec 6, 2017

Today on the podcast we welcome back special guests Colby & Amanda Taylor. The Taylors are good friends of Dr. Kim’s. Amanda and Colby have been married for 11 years and have 5 beautiful children. Amanda is the owner of Embellished Weddings here in Oklahoma City where she plans and coordinates weddings. But Amanda, like us, is more passionate about the health of a marriage than the wedding day. Her heart is for couples to plan for a marriage that’s even better than the wedding. Colby is a Pastor at Life.Church and together they love to serve.

The Taylor’s join Dr. Kim as they discuss the darkest time in their lives and how they got through it together with God’s help.

Tune in below to learn more about their story and how they survived their darkest hour!  



You can find out more about Embellished Weddings here.

Dec 5, 2017

Today on the podcast we welcome special guests Colby & Amanda Taylor. The Taylors are good friends of Dr. Kim’s. Amanda and Colby have been married for 11 years and have 5 beautiful children. Amanda is the owner of Embellished Weddings here in Oklahoma City where she plans and coordinates weddings. But Amanda, like us, is more passionate about the health of a marriage than the wedding day. Her heart is for couples to plan for a marriage that’s even better than the wedding. Colby is a Pastor at Life.Church and together they love to serve.

The Taylor’s join Dr. Kim as they discuss how to survive the valleys of life in marriage.

Tune in below to learn more about surviving the valleys!  



You can find out more about Embellished Weddings here.

Dec 2, 2017

This is a podcast that aired earlier this year that we wanted to highlight again because of how many marriages are negatively impacted by debt.

In this podcast we have special guest Chris Brown with Dr. Kim. Chris Brown is a radio talk show host, pastor and dynamic speaker who speaks on stewardship and intentional living nationwide as a Ramsey Personality. Available on radio stations across the country, Chris Brown’s True Stewardship provides biblical solutions and sound advice for questions on life and money.

Chris joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about debt and what it does to marriages, and how to get out of debt and stay out of it. They share biblical advice on what God teaches about debt as well as real life stories and practical advice.

Tune in below to learn more about debt’s toll on marriages!



You can follow Chris online at Stewardship. Be sure to follow Chris on Twitter for more great insights on money.

Nov 30, 2017

Today on the podcast we welcome special guest Justin Khoe. Justin Khoe runs the youtube channel "That Christian Vlogger" where he posts weekly videos talking about things that come up in daily life for Christians.

His goal is to create a space on youtube where you can find inspiration in the form of daily vlogs and experience "faith in first person."

Justin joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about what it looks like to be a vlogger and how it impacts his marriage.

Tune in below to learn more Justin and his life as a vlogger!



Check out Justin’s YouTube Channel here! You can also follow Justin on Facebook.

Nov 28, 2017

This month on the podcast we are talking about decision making in marriage. Learning to make decisions wisely and peacefully together is a crucial part of having an awesome marriage.


Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina talk about a particularly hard topic that we all face in marriage in one way or another: healing after bad decisions. They share real life examples and personal stories of what it looks like to heal well after bad decisions and how to rebuild trust in your marriage after bad decisions have been made.


Tune in to learn more about healing after bad decisions!

Nov 23, 2017

Today on the podcast we welcome special guests Doug & Mary Ann Hacking. Doug Hacking is a former pharmaceutical sales representative and works as a pharmacist, adjunct faculty, and relational consultant. He has over fifteen years of professional teaching experience and has devoted over twenty years to researching, practicing, and creating his Relationship Resonance system.

Doug’s new book Relationship Resonance is a relationship model designed to help you improve your relationships. Relationship Resonance works for any type of relationship: personal, professional and spiritual. It has allowed me to become a better friend, relative, spouse, father, boss, employee and disciple.

Doug’s mission is to make the world a better place, one relationship at a time.

Doug & Mary Ann join Dr. Kim today as they talk about Doug’s new book “Relationship Resonance” and the last three components of his Relationship Resonance system.

Tune in below to learn more about relationship resonance!  



You can read more great insights from Doug on his blog. Purchase ‘Relationship Resonance’ here. You can also follow Doug on Facebook.

Nov 22, 2017

Today on the podcast we welcome special guests Doug & Mary Ann Hacking. Doug Hacking is a former pharmaceutical sales representative and works as a pharmacist, adjunct faculty, and relational consultant. He has over fifteen years of professional teaching experience and has devoted over twenty years to researching, practicing, and creating his Relationship Resonance system.

Doug’s new book Relationship Resonance is a relationship model designed to help you improve your relationships. Relationship Resonance works for any type of relationship: personal, professional and spiritual. It has allowed me to become a better friend, relative, spouse, father, boss, employee and disciple.

Doug’s mission is to make the world a better place, one relationship at a time.

Doug & Mary Ann join Dr. Kim today as they talk about Doug’s new book “Relationship Resonance” and the first two components of his Relationship Resonance system.

Tune in below to learn more about relationship resonance!  



You can read more great insights from Doug on his blog. Purchase ‘Relationship Resonance’ here. You can also follow Doug on Facebook.

Nov 21, 2017

This month on the podcast we are talking about decision making in marriage. Learning to make decisions wisely and peacefully together is a crucial part of having an awesome marriage.


Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina talk about focusing on the common goal while making decisions in marriage. They define the common goal in any marriage and give advice on how to make sure that common goal stays at the forefront when making decisions together.


Tune in to learn more about focusing on the common goal in decision making!

Nov 16, 2017

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them.


In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: My friends are going through a divorce and even though I don’t support the divorce I want to support them, how do I that?


Tune in to find out!

Nov 14, 2017

This month on the podcast we are talking about decision making in marriage. Learning to make decisions wisely and peacefully together is a crucial part of having an awesome marriage.


Today on the podcast Christina and Dr. Kim talk about making major life decisions in marriage. They share about the most common major life decisions and wise ways of going about making these major life decisions in unity with your spouse.


Tune in to learn more about making major life decisions in marriage!

Nov 14, 2017

The holidays can be a stressful time for a number of reasons and they can often be hard on our marriages. It’s important that we learn to deal with these stressors in a healthy way and find ways to enjoy celebrating the holidays with our spouse. This is a series on 6 Tips for Surviving the Holidays. In each episode we talk about 1 tip for surviving the holidays and coming out of them still happily married and connected. This episode's tip is: take time for romance.

Tune in to learn more about what it looks like to take time for romance over the holidays and how that will help your marriage in this season!

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