
Awesome Marriage Podcast

Far too many couples are just surviving their marriage when it was meant to thrive. This is the place for practical tips on how to build an awesome marriage. Our passion is to help you strengthen your marriage. Dr. Kim Kimberling hosts the show. Dr. Kim is the President of Awesome Marriage, has been married for over 50 years, and has been a professional counselor for 40+ years. He is the author of 7 Secrets to An Awesome Marriage and 14 Keys To Lasting Love. Dr. Kim is joined by co-host Lindsay Few, Content Director for Awesome Marriage. She has been married for 20+ years. Her husband is a church planter, and they love ministering to married couples together. Tune in each week to hear practical ways on how to have an awesome marriage! This podcast is brought to you by the ministry of Awesome Marriage.
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Awesome Marriage Podcast











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Now displaying: 2023
Dec 12, 2023

No one loves talking finances, but we do think you’ll love today’s conversation with Julie Baumgardner! Julie shares how to get curious about what money means to your spouse, how two spouses’ separate financial backgrounds and “money stories” can stop being a source of tension, and start becoming a shared value. 

Listen to this episode if you’re ready to get on the same page with your spouse about finances this season - without fighting about them! 


Episode highlights include:  

  •  Questions to start a productive conversation about finances with your spouse

  • How to uncover the hidden money lessons you learned growing up, then to get on the same page with your spouse. 

  • What recent research says about the connection of money and marital happiness 

  • How to learn more about your spouse’s perspective about money 

  • Ways to work together toward shared values around money in your marriage

*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



  • “You have different perspectives about money. You don’t necessarily talk about what it means to you, how you think about it, therefore you argue about it.” - Julie Baumgardner  

  • “You can have conversations about money without having to be methodical about every single penny.” - Julie Baumgardner 

  • “If you can’t figure out how to live within your means with a little, it will be very complicated to figure out how to live within your means with a lot.” - Julie Baumgardner 

  • “It isn’t ‘You’re right, I’m wrong,’ you’re being curious. And in being curious, you’re learning.” - Julie Baumgardner 

  • “If you can tell that money is creating stress, what is it about money that’s stressful?” - Julie Baumgardner 

  • “Keep your eyes wide open for where God is calling you to join Him in his work. Be aware, and where you see a need, be a Kingdom builder. ” - Julie Baumgardner 



  • What matters most to the two of you when it comes to money? It’s never too late to define your core values around money in your marriage. 

  • What is it about money that’s stressful?  If it’s “what ifs," then name the what-ifs and talk through them. 



Dec 8, 2023

Is it possible to parent without fear of the teen years? We say yes! So does today’s guest, Kristen Hatton. We are delighted to have Kristen on the podcast today to share how to prepare for some of the aspects of parenting teens that many parents find daunting. 


Episode highlights include: 

  •  Kristen shares ways to know if your fears are becoming idols in parenting 

  • Proactive VS reactive parenting: Which one are you? 

  • The difference between overparenting and underparenting and how they affect your kids 


*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



  • “Frequently parents are living in “reactive” mode, and often it’s because we’re just so busy.”  - Kristen Hatton 

  • “If I always say yes to my kids going in different directions with their friends, or being on a travel team, and we’re always just so busy, then all the sudden, church goes by the wayside. Family time goes by the wayside." - Kristen Hatton  

  • “Often, what children experience from their parents is how they view God. So I want them to know my unconditional love and acceptance, so that they see that that’s how God is too.” - Kristen Hatton 


  • To evaluate if something you love has become an idol: Are you holding it with an open palm, or a clenched fist? Can you be OK without it? 

  • Evaluate your emotions to help you see your idols. Ask: Why am I so angry? Why am I so irritable? Is something controlling me? What occupies my time, habits, thoughts, money, and conversations?

  • Talk with your spouse to decide: 

    • What do we want most for our family? How are we doing to get there?

    • What do we want to impart to our kids? 

    • What will we allow? What won’t we allow? 


  • Learn more from Kristen: 

  • Our FREE 16 Ways To Navigate the Teenage Years as a Team will help you keep your marriage strong during this season.

  • GIVEAWAY TIME! We are giving away a bundle of our TOP 3 RESOURCES of 2023: 44 Tips to Better Sex in Marriage, 21 Day Husband Encouragement Challenge, and 21 Day Wife Appreciation Challenge! To enter just leave an honest review of the podcast wherever you listen, screenshot it, send in to Giveaway ends 12/15 10am CST. 

  • Dr. Kim’s newest book, Love, Intimacy and Sex in the Second Half is now available as an eBook! Grab your copy here! 

  • We want to help you make 2024 your best married year yet with 12 Marriage Resolutions for the New Year! Click though for all the details of this uplifting resource! 
Dec 5, 2023

Holiday season is upon us, and with it all things festive! I’m guessing your schedule didn’t have much extra space to begin with, so now there’s a risk of becoming truly overbooked. How can your marriage be a priority, even with so much going on? 

Today Dr. Kim is sharing several of his best tips for prioritizing your marriage, even in this busy season. 

We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage. 

Episode highlights include: 

  • Ways to share the load of holiday tasks & preparation better 

  • How prioritizing your marriage this season can decrease your stress 

  • Dr. Kim’s 5 ways to prioritize your marriage this season 

  • How to implement this if you aren’t on the same page right now

  • Tips to de-stress your holiday gatherings and enjoy them more 

*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here


  • “It doesn’t have to be a whole evening, it doesn’t even have to be a whole hour. It can be just 15 minutes, but you protect that time.”  - Dr. Kim Kimberling  

  • “I think quality time is one of the most important things we do in a marriage, and it also seems to be one of the easiest to bump.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling 

  • “Make sure you're on the same page together, then enjoy it together.”  - Dr. Kim Kimberling 

  • “There’s so much unnecessary tension you can eliminate if you can start to use team language and work together.” - Lindsay Few  



 What is one favorite Christmas tradition you and your spouse have, just for the two of you? 



  • GIVEAWAY TIME! We are giving away a bundle of our Top 3 Resources of 2023: Our 44 Tips to Better Sex in Marriage, 21 Day Husband Encouragement Challenge, and 21 Day Wife Appreciation Challenge! To enter just leave an honest review of the podcast wherever you listen, screenshot it, send in to Giveaway ends 12/15 10am EST. 

  • Dr. Kim’s newest book, Love, Intimacy and Sex in the Second Half is now available as an eBook! Grab your copy here! 

  • Related episode: “What is team Language? Ep. 501


Nov 28, 2023

You can reduce the stress and conflict in your marriage simply by creating margin. Today’s episode unpacks several practical ways to create margin in your marriage. Scripture demonstrates how essential a healthy mindset is, so all month we’re getting practical about how to cultivate a healthy mindset and a healthy marriage. Tune into today’s episode to learn how to create margin in your marriage.  

We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage! 


Episode highlights include: 

  • The practice Dr. Kim recommends to help you build margin into your marriage and the free resource we offer to make this simple to do

  • Mindset shifts to help you find margin

  • Practical ways to prioritize your marriage 


*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



  • “It’s not just carving out more time for each other, it’s how you use that time.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling

  • “We talk about your home and marriage being a refuge. You want to create that.”  - Dr. Kim Kimberling

  • “It’s worth the effort to get intentional about this and get on the same page, so you can tackle it as a team.” Lindsay Few 

  • “Learning to really listen makes a big difference. There’s so much value to feeling heard, and knowing that your spouse cares to really listen.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling

  • “One thing that really helped us is when we realized we were not each other’s enemy.”   - Dr. Kim Kimberling

  • “Be ok with being counter cultural if that’s what’s best for your family and your marriage.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling


  1. How can you and your spouse work together to create more margin in your marriage? 

  2. How can you work together to create a culture of grace in your marriage? 

  3. What do you really want for your marriage? What do you need to say no to in this season to make that happen? 



  • Contentment doesn’t come easily, but is more than worth the effort. Take the steps to grow your contentment with our 15-Day Contentment Challenge! It’s yours for a donation of ANY amount to the ministry of Awesome Marriage this Giving Tuesday! 

  • Dr. Kim highly recommends a Weekly Check In for every couple  – so to make this simple for you, we have created a Weekly Marriage Check In Guide. You can snag this resource for free when you sign up for the One Thing to Grow Your Marriage email series!

  • We really enjoyed the book “Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” mentioned in today’s episode

Nov 24, 2023

Cut the stress out of gift giving this Christmas. If shopping for your spouse (and anyone else on your list) feels daunting, this episode is for you. In this episode Patrick Kucharson, the Better Gift Coach, shares how to give gifts that will resonate with their recipients, strategies to become a better gift-giver, and great gift tips for any budget (including free!).

Tune in to learn more! 


Episode highlights include: 

  • Simple strategies to know what they really want 

  • Why you need to make brainstorming gift ideas a team sport - and who to recruit to your team

  • The categories of not-so-good gifts you do not want to fall into this Christmas! 

  • Patrick’s Golden Rule of Gift-Giving


*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



“How much thought you put into a gift doesn’t necessarily translate into the value the gift recipient will assign to it.” - Patrick Kucharson 

“Give gifts that you know they want to receive, over gifts that you want to give.” - Patrick Kucharson 

“It’s showing that you appreciate them. You’re listening.”  - Patrick Kucharson 

“A shortcut for gift-giving: Look around, take note of the negatives, and try to give gifts that will remove them.” - Patrick Kucharson 


What’s your favorite gift you’ve given your spouse, and what made it great? 

Who can you recruit to your “gift brainstorming team” this season? 



  • Patrick’s Better Gift Coach free weekly email is every bit as entertaining and insightful Patrick was on today’s podcast! Sign up HERE

  • You can also find him on Instagram

  • In the midst of all the gift talk, take time to look for something only God can give: Contentment. Grad our 15-Day Contentment Challenge with your donation of ANY amount and pursue true contentment.

Nov 21, 2023

Gratitude is a powerful mindset – it affects our mind, our marriage, even our physical health! 

Scripture is clear that our mindset is very important, so this month we’re digging into how to cultivate a healthy mindset and a healthy marriage.

Today we’re talking about the power of gratitude. What makes this trait so important, and how can we cultivate it? Tune in for all the details! 

Episode highlights include: 

  • Dr. Kim and Lindsay share how gratitude helped them each deal with depression

  • The way gratitude helps your marriage and your outlook on life

  • Why growing in gratitude actually ends up leading to – more gratitude!

  • Practical ways to cultivate gratitude in every day 

*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



  • “I think we’re wired to give thanks and be grateful to God.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling 

  • “When we acknowledge on a regular basis what we’re thankful for, we tend to be happier and less depressed.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling 

  • “It’s looking at what’s actually happening in my life. What is God doing? What is here today? It brings you back into the present.”-  Lindsay Few 

  • “I think the more we acknowledge who He is in our lives and worship him for that, that goes a long way to changing our gratitude.”  - Dr. Kim Kimberling 

  • “I don't think God put us together to grumble for 50 years. I think He put us together to grow, to learn, and to be grateful.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  

  • “I think it helps us to serve our spouse and serve our God better when our frame of mind is healthier. And I think gratitude makes it healthier.” -  Dr. Kim Kimberling  


  1. So many things in the world are out of our control, but God IS in control. What is 1 reason you are thankful that He is in control today? 

  2. When you think something good about your spouse, say it! What do you appreciate about your spouse? 

  3. What is 1 thing you can do to be more present with your spouse today?



  • Contentment doesn’t come easily, but is more than worth the effort! Grab our 15-Day Contentment Challenge with a donation of ANY amount to the ministry of Awesome Marriage this Giving Tuesday! LEARN MORE HERE!

  • The 27 Scripture Prayer Cards resource is a beautiful way to remember scripture and to bring the power of prayer into your marriage each day!

  • It’s the perfect time to sign up for Dr. Kim’s daily One Thing to Grow Your Marriage email series, since this week’s emails give you simple ways to practice gratitude with your spouse

Nov 14, 2023

Has blame crept into your marriage? If so, your marriage is certainly suffering its effects. But it does not have to stay that way! Today Dr. Kim helps you discover how to identify and remove this damaging habit from your marriage.  

Scripture is clear that our mindset matters, and that we have the ability to change our minds! So this month we’re digging into how to cultivate a healthy mindset and a healthy marriage. Dig in today to start dismantling the blame.

Episode highlights include: 

  • How to identify - and break - subtle blame patterns 

  • Why expecting each spouse to give their 50% share to the marriage just doesn’t add up 

  • Dr. Kim and Lindsay get real about how blame has impacted their marriages 

  • How to remove blame from our efforts to show our spouse love

  • How to address the issue healthily instead

 *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



  • Dr. Kim mentioned this article from Harvard Health in the episode

  • Contentment doesn’t come easily, but it’s SO worth the work! Get our 15-Day Contentment Challenge with a donation of ANY amount to the ministry of Awesome Marriage this Giving Tuesday! Learn more here!

  •  15 Daily Prayers Bundle 

  • More mindset resources: 


Nov 10, 2023

Calling all military spouses AND frequent travelers: Do not miss this bonus episode! Today we’re thrilled to have Jen McDonald of Milspouse Matters join us on the podcast. Jen is full of wisdom and warmth as well as practical tips and advice on how to weather a marriage separated by distance and the unique challenges of military life. Tune in and be encouraged by her story!  


Episode highlights include: 

  • The parts of military life that Jen was NOT prepared for 

  • The realities of deployment and reintegration 

  • Practical things that helped her marriage stay connected during deployment 

*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



Military and Family Life Counseling Program (free!)

Nov 7, 2023

What does  it mean to “reframe?” And how can you know if you need to do it? Reframing is a term Dr. Kim has used in past episodes, and today we learn exactly what it means and the practical steps to do it. 

Scripture is clear that our mindset is very important, so this month we’re digging into how to cultivate a healthy mindset and a healthy marriage. Tune into today’s episode for the details! 

Episode highlights include: 

  • The Biblical basis and Scripture to support the concept of reframing

  • Practical steps of the reframing process

  • What to do if your spouse frames you negatively

*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



  • Dr. Kim’s Mind Craft Plan (I accidentally referred to it as Mind Your Marriage in the episode) is a great place to start! 

  • Caroline Leaf’s book, Switch On Your Brain includes the “21-Day Brain Detox” Dr. Kim mentioned in the episode 

  • The Weekly Marriage Check In is a great way to stay connected with your spouse, and you get this printable resource FREE when you sign up for the One Thing email! Get all the details here

  • Being self-aware is a gift to your marriage, yourself and everyone around you! Our Self Check In Guide is a tool to take you through the process of growing self-aware. 

  • Dr. Kim mentioned our Marriage Changers Membership, where he and Nancy share exclusive video content each month. Marriage Changers also get automatic access to each new monthly resource we create. Learn more here. 

  • Scripture references: 

    • Romans 12:2

    • Proverbs 4:23  

    • 1 Corinthians 2:16  

    • Romans 8:6


Oct 31, 2023

You know that moment when things go quickly from okay to “What just happened?” in your marriage? Suddenly there’s tension and you’re totally disconnected.

Today, we are so happy to have Dr. Glenn and Phyllis Hill join us on the podcast. They do a great job explaining what goes wrong in that moment, and how to prevent it from happening again. Tune in to learn more! 

Episode highlights include: 

  • The shift that completely changed how they approached conflict 

  • The 1 question to stop asking in fights and the better 1 to ask instead 

  • The Hills unpack what it means that identity is the #1 human need, and how that plays out in marriage

  • A practical tool to easily learn how to emotions well together   

  • How disconnection can affect family life and strategies to handle it 

*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!




Oct 24, 2023

We’re so used to seeing sex allll around us - skin sells, after all! But today, Joshua Ryan Butler shows us how we are still likely to miss so much of what sex is designed to show us. Sex is everywhere – except being talked about by the married couples who are (hopefully!) having it, and the churches and families who desperately need a robust theology of God’s purpose for sex and sexuality.

Today’s episode takes a look at why sex is so much more than right / wrong or rules, and why that truth is incredibly freeing. Tune in to learn more. 


Episode highlights include: 

  • Why does it matter what we believe about God’s purpose for sex? 

  • How to unpack the tension between what culture says vs church says about sex 

  • Why a better relationship with God leads to better sex in your marriage (and a better marriage in general!) 

  • Specifically why our male / female differences are so valuable 

  • The shift from rule-keeping to image-bearing and what it means for our lives 

*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!



Oct 17, 2023

This is the place for honest conversations and practical advice on how to have an awesome marriage. In this brief trailer, Dr. Kim Kimberling and co-host Lindsay Few share what you can expect to hear on the Awesome Marriage podcast each week. 

If you enjoy the podcast, follow along here or at for questions in each week's show notes that will help you and your spouse apply the info in each episode. 

We pray this content is helpful for you and your marriage! 

* Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here

* You can find all of Awesome Marriage's helpful resources on our website. 

Oct 17, 2023

What is a gospel perspective of sexuality? It’s hard to answer, since too often, sex is not talked about in the church. Yet it’s literally everywhere in the world around us. Most couples struggle with their sex life at some point and parents are deeply concerned about helping their kids navigate the topic in a God-honoring way in the midst of all of culture’s chaos. That is why we are honored to have Dr. Juli Slattery on the podcast today, sharing her vast knowledge and wisdom on the subject. You don’t want to miss what she has to say. 


Episode highlights include: 

  • Why a biblical worldview of sexuality is actually very freeing

  • How disruptions to your sex life can become a springboard to greater intimacy 

  • 4 specific aspects of God’s love that should define healthy sex in marriage 

  • The process to engage so you can equip your kids to navigate sexuality biblically

  • Encouragement for couples who are struggling in this area 

*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here




Oct 10, 2023

This week it’s the husbands’ turn to weigh in. Today we hear what men said they wish their wives knew about sex. Would your husband agree? Dr. Kim strongly encourages couples to talk about their sex life, not argue about it, but… most couples don’t! So listening to today’s episode together is an easy way to start the conversation. 

Sex in your marriage matters because God created it to draw spouses together, but all too often pain and tension lead to exactly the opposite. Tune in today to learn the next steps in your marriage. 


Episode highlights include: 

  • Some common Christian sex myths that might be hindering your sex life...

  • ... And what the Bible says about them

  • Some really effective ways to talk about sex with your spouse ...

  • ... And some others you definitely want to avoid

*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



Oct 3, 2023

The wives have spoken! Today we share what women said they wish their husbands knew about sex. Would your wife agree? Dr. Kim wants couples to talk about their sex life, not argue about it! So an easy way to start is by listening to today’s episode together and talking about it.  

Sex in your marriage matters because God created it to draw spouses together, but all too often pain and tension lead to exactly the opposite. Tune in today to get the conversation started!  

Episode highlights include: 

  • Tips to help balance the mental load spouses are carrying 

  • Women don’t get tired of their husband’s compliments – with this 1 exception!

  • Practical reasons why it can be helpful to schedule sex 

  • Addressing assumptions spouses make that will deter them from great sex 

 *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



Sep 26, 2023

We are delighted to have Toni Collier on the podcast today. Toni has spoken and written plenty about the way that embracing brokenness, though counterintuitive, is the key to experiencing a full life in Christ. She talked to Dr. Kim about how –and why– to effectively embrace your brokenness personally, what that means, and what it can do for your marriage and family. Don’t miss this grace-filled episode!

We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage. 

Episode highlights include: 

  • The faith “secret” that transformed Toni’s perspective on brokenness

  • The deeply personal origin of Toni’s new book, and why a children’s book is so important  

  • The biggest mistake she made early in marriage, and how she recovered 

*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here




Sep 19, 2023

Ministry couples face both unique joys and unique challenges. If you’ve been around Awesome Marriage for a while, you’ve probably heard Dr. Kim say to put God first and your spouse second. But when your job is ministry, it can be really hard to balance your vocational ministry with your primary ministry - your marriage. Today we’re talking about how to keep your marriage thriving when you are in ministry.

We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage. 


Episode highlights include: 

  • The surprising data on how ministry affects marriage and family 

  • Our personal experiences of what makes ministry hard on marriage

  • What to do if you work in a ministry culture that does not prioritize marriage or family

  • 4 specific ways to protect and build your marriage 

 *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!



  • Don't let your ministry take out your marriage! The Sustaining Your Marriage In Ministry online course was designed to help you through the challenges you face. Learn more HERE.

  • Our friends at Emotionally Healthy Discipleship offer resources that equip leaders to lead from their inner life with Christ.  

  • Anything you want to hear about that we missed today? Shoot me an email and let us know! 

Sep 15, 2023

You may know Jeff Allen from one of his many comedy specials on DryBar Comedy, Netflix, Amazon, YouTube, network TV and more. If you do, you know he can make you laugh about even the hard parts of life and marriage.


In today’s episode we get to go behind the scenes of some of the hardest seasons Jeff and his wife, Tami, experienced in their marriage, and how God brought hope, healing and redemption. Don’t miss this encouraging episode! 


We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage. 


Episode highlights include: 

  • The *surprisingly* effective way Jeff’s comedian friend helped him find Jesus 

  • What changed in Jeff and Tami’s  marriage when Jesus entered the picture 

  • Jeff’s journey to sobriety and learning new coping mechanisms 


*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



  • Jeff’s comedy is a part of this year’s Online Marriage Retreat! Registration is open NOW so click over to learn more! 

  • If it’s been a while since you felt sexy or were excited about your sex life, our 25-Day Think Sex Challenge will help you get back in the mood! Learn more HERE!


Sep 12, 2023

Your mindset has a powerful impact on everything in your life - including your marriage. Is yours helping or hurting your marriage? Today Dr. Kim shares some sneaky ways your thoughts might be harming your marriage, without you even realizing it, as well as practical advice for how to overcome them. 

We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage. 

Episode highlights include: 

  • How to identify and correct unhealthy thought patterns 

  • Why even our fleeting thoughts matter

  • One thing that prevents many of us from being honest with God and with ourselves, and how to overcome it  


*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



  • Work on healing your mindset with the “Cut the Criticism and Cultivate Companionship” Bible Reading plan on YouVersion  

  • If you’re a One Thing Subscriber, you know all about Dr. Kim’s Daily Declarations already! If not, sign up HERE and receive a practical daily step each Monday-Friday to help you be intentional about building your marriage.

  • If it’s been a while since you felt sexy or were excited about your sex life, our 25-Day Think Sex Challenge will help you get back in the mood! Learn more HERE!
  • When you sign up for Dr. Kim’s weekly Dispatch email, you receive a copy of his Daily Declarations FREE as a sign up bonus! 


Sep 5, 2023

One reason marriage can be difficult is because it faces real spiritual opposition. 1 Peter 5:8 says the enemy is like “a roaring lion looking for someone to devour,” who would love to destroy us and our marriages. But Christian couples can be confident that God is on our side, He is for us and He has the victory. 

So how can we be on guard and ready to fight for our marriage, spiritually? Tune in today to learn how.  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage. 

Episode highlights include: 

  • Reasons why marriage is a target of spiritual attacks 

  • Ways spiritual attacks can show up in marriage

  • Steps to fight back and fight for your marriage in those times 

*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



  • Dr. Kim shared his heart behind our Marriage Changers membership in today’s episode. Get more info on the membership HERE.  

  • We are happy to have 50+ AM YouVersion plans. Here are the two we mentioned in this episode: 

  • If you haven’t already, check out our perennial fave House Prayer Cards. They’re Like Dr. Kim’s scripture on the walls thing, but without needing to repaint! 

  • Our 2-Week Couples Scripture Challenge helps you fight for your marriage by building the habit of getting into God’s Word together. 

Aug 29, 2023

How should the rhythms of our child’s season of life inform our parenting? How can your family rhythms and routines cultivate the kind of family atmosphere you are longing for in your household and set your child up for success?

Today our special guest Nellie Harden helps you see where you are in this season of your child’s growing up years and how to parent well in this time.  


We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage. 


Episode highlights include: 

  • The perspective shift to more peaceful parenting 

  • Why to number the days of your child’s childhood 

  • How our own perfectionism affects our kids and our parenting 

  • The parenting shift we need in the second half of childhood 

  • A practical way to reduce sibling strife  

*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here




Aug 22, 2023

This time of year, so many families are thinking about how to make this new school year go even better than the last. You may be wondering how you can possibly build in helpful, healthy rhythms when you’re Already. So. Busy. If so, you do not want to miss this episode. 

Today our guest Justin Earley shares how to build intentionality and meaning into your existing family habits. 

We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage. 


Episode highlights include: 

  • What our messy attempts at forming good habits can communicate to our kids (you might be surprised!) 

  • The perspective shift that lets you take advantage of your family’s existing habits for good 

  • What does it actually mean to be a spiritual leader? 

  • Practical advice for wives who want their husband to lead spiritually 


*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



Aug 18, 2023

Ever wondered why you can’t break a habit you hate or form a new one you want to start? Today’s bonus episode is for you! Debra Fileta always brings wisdom and practical tools to help us connect spiritual practices with mental health and relationship health, and we’re delighted to have Debra back on the podcast with us today. We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage. 


Episode highlights include: 

  • Why issues seem to surface at unexpected times and what you can do about it

  • The equation that leads to lasting change - and why most people get it wrong 

  • How to effectively begin to break bad habits  

*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here




Aug 15, 2023

As we enter the fall season, it’s a great time to look at the routines in your life. This month we’re talking all about life-giving routines and rhythms. Sometimes in marriage, we can get into bad habits of conflict or miscommunication, BUT we can also use our habits and routines to build up our spouse and grow our marriage. Today we’re sharing some of our personal routines and family rhythms that help keep our marriages strong.

We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage. 


Episode highlights include: 

  •  Dr. Kim’s personal routine and why it’s so important to him 

  • The small things that don’t even feel like “things” – and why they matter so much 

  • Practical ways to build the kind of culture you want to have in your marriage 

*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!



Aug 8, 2023

We talk to a lot of couples who don't know what makes them a great team. And if you don’t know what makes you a great team, how can you operate as one? All too often, opposites attract and it takes intentionality to tap into all that God has for you in the gift of your marriage.

So today we’re talking about leaning into what makes you a uniquely gifted team in your marriage, and resolving the tension that comes from the ways we differ from our spouse. 

We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage. 

Episode highlights include: 

  • What are the common issues that keep couples from being a strong team? 

  • Dr. Kim gives great ideas of creative solutions to issues 

  • How to combat the competition that sometimes creeps into marriage

  • We share ways we’ve personally done this in our marriages 


*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



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