Are you ever a bit too helpful in your marriage? Do you find yourself frustrated with the way your spouse responds to you?
You may be trying to control your spouse by “helping” even if you don’t mean to!
Today Laura Doyle from the Empowered Wife Podcast joins Dr. Kim to teach us some ways to shift our marriage culture - without resorting to control tactics. Tune in to learn how!
We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.
Episode highlights include:
Empowering ways to shift the culture of your marriage, even if your spouse isn’t on board
“Cheat phrases” to help you shift from controlling tendencies to deeper intimacy
The unexpected lesson of sitting down with your spouse and getting nothing done!
Find more of Laura’s content, including her free Empowered Wife Road Map on her website
Check out Laura’s book, the Empowered Wife!
Our 5 Days to Deeper Emotional Intimacy digital resource provides practical steps to understand and share your emotions, and to work together to grow your emotional intimacy…and it’s our gift to you for your donation of any amount.