
Awesome Marriage Podcast

Far too many couples are just surviving their marriage when it was meant to thrive. This is the place for practical tips on how to build an awesome marriage. Our passion is to help you strengthen your marriage. Dr. Kim Kimberling hosts the show. Dr. Kim is the President of Awesome Marriage, has been married for 53 years, and has been a professional counselor for 40 years. He is the author of 7 Secrets to An Awesome Marriage and 14 Keys To Lasting Love. Dr. Kim is joined by co-host Lindsay Few, Content Director for Awesome Marriage. She has been married for 20 years. Her husband is a church planter, and they love ministering to married couples together. Tune in each week to hear practical ways on how to have an awesome marriage! This podcast is brought to you by the ministry of Awesome Marriage.
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Awesome Marriage Podcast










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Now displaying: December, 2019
Dec 19, 2019

We are continuing our Enneagram Series with Beth McCord talking about How to Have A Thriving Relationship with an Enneagram 3. For the next several weeks Beth will be breaking down some real, practical tips for being married to each Enneagram number. 

If you are married to a 3 this is YOUR episode. But even if you aren’t married to a 3, we know you will find this episode helpful in learning more about your 3 friends. Part of loving people is knowing people. So use this series as a tool to know your people better, understand them deeper, and love them better. 

Beth McCord founded ‘Your Enneagram Coach’ and has been an Enneagram speaker, coach and teacher for over 17 years. She is seriously the best of the best so we are so blessed to have her share her time and expertise with us. 

Having been trained by the best Enneagram experts and pouring hundreds of hours into advanced certifications, Beth is leading the industry in simplifying the deep truths of the Enneagram from a Biblical perspective. Beth does one-on-one coaching, in-person events and workshops and online courses. She also offers training and support for those interested in becoming an Enneagram coach. So make sure you give her a follow on Instagram @yourennegramcoach and check out her website for more great info. 

We pray you enjoy learning more about 3s in this episode! 


  • “The core fear of Type 3’s is that they’ll be exposed as incompetent, ineffecient, or worthless.” - Beth McCord
  • “Type 3’s desire to have high status, respect, to be valuable.” - Beth McCord
  • “Type 3’s deceive themselves into believing that they’re only the image that they present to others.” - Beth McCord
  • “Type 3’s love having checklists and things to accomplish.” - Beth McCord
  • “Type 3’s feel like they have to do in order to get.” - Beth McCord
  • “The core longing for a Type 3 is to hear ‘you are loved and valued for simply being you.” - Beth McCord
  • “Whenever you hear ‘I have to’ replace it with ‘I get to.’” - Beth McCord
  • “When a Type 3 is doing well they’re calm, good communicators, and efficient. When doing well they’re irritated, self-promoting, and impatient” - Beth McCord
  • “Type 3’s can detach from emotions in order to get things done.” - Beth McCord
  • “Communicate with Type 3’s that you understand their fear and that you aren’t trying to harm their image.” - Beth McCord
  • “You don’t want to interrupt a Type 3 when they’re focused or working.” - Beth McCord
  • “Type 3’s need a lot of encouragement, affirmation is huge for Type 3’s.” - Beth McCord
  • “When you’re communicating with Type 3’s keep things positive and have a plan for going forward.” - Beth McCord
  • “It’s unrealistic to expect a Type 3 to expose their own emotions.” - Beth McCord
  • “Type 3’s have pushed aside their feelings and identity in order to become whatever others want them to become.” - Beth McCord
  • “Type 3’s want to come at conflict with a problem solving approach.” - Beth McCord
  • “Type 3’s need to learn how to be a human being, not a human doing.” - Beth McCord
  • “When Type 3’s are no longer focused on their own image and are instead focused on the image of their family, group or community, they can do amazing things for the Kingdom of God.” - Beth McCord
  • “Healthy Type 3’s can achieve and accomplish so much.” - Beth McCord
  • “Type 3’s bring inspiring insight and vision.” - Beth McCord
  • “Type 3’s know how to come alongside people and meet needs.” - Beth McCord


  • Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order! 


Dec 17, 2019

We are continuing our Enneagram Series with Beth McCord talking about How to Have A Thriving Relationship with an Enneagram 2. For the next several weeks Beth will be breaking down some real, practical tips for being married to each Enneagram number. 

If you are married to a 2 this is YOUR episode. But even if you aren’t married to a 2, we know you will find this episode helpful in learning more about your 2 friends. Part of loving people is knowing people. So use this series as a tool to know your people better, understand them deeper, and love them better. 

Beth McCord founded ‘Your Enneagram Coach’ and has been an Enneagram speaker, coach and teacher for over 17 years. She is seriously the best of the best so we are so blessed to have her share her time and expertise with us. 

Having been trained by the best Enneagram experts and pouring hundreds of hours into advanced certifications, Beth is leading the industry in simplifying the deep truths of the Enneagram from a Biblical perspective. Beth does one-on-one coaching, in-person events and workshops and online courses. She also offers training and support for those interested in becoming an Enneagram coach. So make sure you give her a follow on Instagram @yourennegramcoach and check out her website for more great info. 

We pray you enjoy learning more about 2s in this episode! 


  • “What Type 2’s are longing to hear is that they are wanted and loved.” - Beth McCord
  • “Healthy Type 2’s are filled with the knowledge that they are loved by God and don’t need to seek the affirmation or approval of others to feel fulfilled.” - Beth McCord
  • “Type 2’s come into any situation with the fear of being rejected.” - Beth McCord
  • “Type 2’s need to know that it’s ok for them to take care of themselves, because that will allow them to better serve others.” - Beth McCord
  • “Use the sandwich method when delivering feedback to a Type 2: lots of affirmation and encouragement (the bun), then deliver the feedback in a kind way (the meat), then ending with affirmation and encouragement (the bun).” - Beth McCord
  • “There are helpful ways to communicate with each enneagram type and when we embrace and accept that things will go so much smoother in our relationships.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling
  • “The way that you want to receive love might be different from how your spouse wants to receive love.” - Beth McCord
  • “Be specific when thanking and showing appreciation to a Type 2.” - Beth McCord
  • “Recognize that rejection is a huge fear of Type 2’s.” - Beth McCord
  • “Type 2’s are extremely gifted at knowing how to help people.” - Beth McCord
  • “In any conflict with a Type 2, it’s important to let them know that you know they meant well.” - Beth McCord
  • “Type 2’s want to be heard and to talk about their own feelings without being given advice.” - Beth McCord
  • “To resolve conflict with a Type 2, it is important to be warm, affectionate, and relationally connected to them. If you don’t feel like you’re able to have that approach then it’s helpful to let a Type 2 know that you need time to get there.” - Beth McCord
  • “If you need to give your Type 2 feedback, never do that in front of other people.” - Beth McCord
  • “If there’s one thing to know about a Type 2, it’s that they fear rejection more than anything else.” - Beth McCord
  • “God has given Type 2’s a super power to know what people’s needs are, but if their help is not wanted this can cause problems.” - Beth McCord
  • “The biggest struggle in being married to a Type 2 is the intrusiveness of a Type 2.” - Beth McCord


  • Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order! 


Dec 12, 2019

In this episode we have Beth McCord joining Dr. Kim to talk about How to Have A Thriving Relationship with an Enneagram 1. For the next several weeks Beth will be breaking down some real, practical tips for being married to each Enneagram number. 


If you are married to a 1 this is YOUR episode. But even if you aren’t married to a 1, we know you will find this episode helpful in learning more about your 1 friends. Part of loving people is knowing people. So use this series as a tool to know your people better, understand them deeper, and love them better. 


Beth McCord founded ‘Your Enneagram Coach’ and has been an Enneagram speaker, coach and teacher for over 17 years. She is seriously the best of the best so we are so blessed to have her share her time and expertise with us. 


Having been trained by the best Enneagram experts and pouring hundreds of hours into advanced certifications, Beth is leading the industry in simplifying the deep truths of the Enneagram from a Biblical perspective. Beth does one-on-one coaching, in-person events and workshops and online courses. She also offers training and support for those interested in becoming an Enneagram coach. So make sure you give her a follow on Instagram @yourennegramcoach and check out her website for more great info. 


We pray you enjoy learning more about 1s in this episode! 


  • “We try to make Type 1’s understand that their inner critic is not the Holy Spirit.” - Beth McCord
  • “Type 1’s long to hear, ‘You are good.’ Christ satisfies this longing.” - Beth McCord
  • “When Christ comes into a Type 1’s life there can be a peace that this person has never experienced before.” - Dr. Kim Kimbelring 
  • “For Type 1’s it’s all about ethics, morals, procedures, and things being done the ‘right’ way.” - Beth McCord
  • “Understand that the Type 1 has a harsh, condemning inner critic that is constantly berating them.” - Beth McCord
  • “1’s value problem solving over emotions, so it’s better to wait to approach a Type 1 until your emotions are at a more balanced place.” - Beth McCord
  • “It’s important to give your Type 1 time and space to process.” - Beth McCord
  • “Type 1’s have a hard time being spontaneous because it feels irresponsible to them.” - Beth McCord
  • -”It can be helpful to ask your Type 1 to rank how loudly their inner critic is berating them on a scale of 1-10 so you know how to approach them.” -Beth McCord
  • “Hard as it might be to believe, most of the time Type 1’s are offering criticism and correction from a genuinely helpful place.” - Beth McCord
  • “If you’re married to a Type 1 you have to accept who they are, not discount their inner critic, but learn how to come alongside them and encourage them toward Christ.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling 
  • “It’s not that the inner critic is inherently bad, it’s just that when we allow the inner critic to go offcourse and let it misalign with the truth of the Gospel, that is not going to be helpful to the Type 1 or anyone else they are around.” - Beth McCord
  • “Encourage a Type 1 when you see them succeeding and doing well in what they are doing.” - Beth McCord
  • “The list of things that need to be corrected, improved, and fixed never ends for a Type 1.” - Beth McCord
  • “The core weakness of a Type 1, resentment, is actually underlying sorrow.” - Beth McCord
  • “Type 1’s are striving for perfection when Christ is already perfect for them.” - Beth McCord
  • “A healthy Type 1 has to learn to set boundaries for their inner critic.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling
  • “Type 1’s have a gut instinct and wisdom of knowing what is morally right.” - Beth McCord
  • “Type 1’s are amazingly detail-oriented.” - Beth McCord
  • “Type 1’s see the world as it is and they want to improve it.” - Beth McCord
  • “It’s like Type 1’s can remember what earth was like before the fall and they want to do everything they can to bring us back to that perfect place.” - Beth McCord




  • Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order! 



Dec 10, 2019

This episode is a real treat because we have Beth & Jeff McCord joining Dr. Kim. Beth founded Your Enneagram Coach and is an Enneagram speaker, coach and teacher.

Beth & Jeff live outside of Nashville and have been married for 24 years. Combining the gospel and the Enneagram has been instrumental in Beth and Jeff's marriage and parenting.

The Enneagram is simply a map for self-discovery and personal growth based on 9 basic personality types.

When we come to know what’s at the root of our thoughts, feelings and actions, we can stop placing unhealthy and unrealistic expectations on our spouses to “fill us up.” Our marriages can be transformed when our eyes are open to the unique ways our spouse was created, allowing us to better love, serve, communicate and resolve conflict. The Enneagram is simply a tool to self discovery and others discovery. And like Dr. Kim is always saying, we need to be “a student of our spouse.” The Enneagram is one way to do just that. 

In this episode Dr. Kim, Beth & Jeff share about how they have used the Enneagram to help create a thriving, gospel-centered marriage. 


  • “When a heart is at rest from the truth of the Gospel, all kinds of fruits come from that.” - Jeff McCord
  • “The Enneagram is like a rumble strip on the highway; you can use it to wake yourself up and not fall into the common pitfalls that you have before.” - Beth McCord
  • “The Enneagram gives you a way to navigate and understand marriage in a way that you might not have been able to before.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling 
  • “The Enneagram accelerates growth and transformation when you use it correctly.” - Beth McCord
  • “We can be assured that God cares about our marriages, maybe even more than we do.” -Jeff McCord
  • “The Enneagram is a tool that gives us vocabulary and an organized way to understand our spouse’s personality.” - Jeff McCord
  • “The Enneagram allows us to speak to each other in one another’s personality dialect.” - Beth McCord
  • “Using the Enneagram is a great way to become a student of (or study) your spouse.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling 
  • “Two people that are the same Enneagram number can look and act radically different depending on their levels of health.” - Beth McCord
  • “The Enneagram gives you an opportunity as a married couple to embrace your differences.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling 
  • “The Enneagram shows us that we all see the world differently.” - Beth McCord


  • Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order! 


  • Find everything you need at! Including the course for YOUR marriage’s Enneagram combination. Beth & Jeff have a ‘Becoming Us Course’ for each couple type combination. That is 45 courses customized for each couple type combination. They go deeper into the “dance” (relational dynamics) and give you practical resources and insights to help transform your marriage. 
  • Buy ‘Becoming Us’ today! 
  • Not sure what your Enneagram Type is? You can take the free assessment here! Also be sure to take the FREE MARRIAGE ASSESSMENT here
  • Learn more about each type with this FREE SUMMARY! 
  • Check out more great insights by Beth on her blog
  • Discover your Enneagram number with the Discovering You course. Already know your Enneagram Type? Then it’s time to take a deeper dive with the Explore You course. 
  • You can get some one-on-one coaching with Your Enneagram Coach here
  • Do you or your spouse struggle with confidence? You aren’t alone if so! Snag our new resource Confidence Busters & Boosters to help cultivate confidence in each other and build up your marriage. 
  • Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here!

Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!

Dec 5, 2019

In this series we have been dissecting the Top 8 Marriage Issues in 2019. These 8 issues are the top 8 issues that Dr. Kim has seen this year with marriages.


In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk about the #1 biggest issue in marriages this year which is: infidelity. 


An affair always rocks a marriage. Some couples are able to ride that rocky storm and see God’s grace and redemption in amazing ways. Other couples choose to end a marriage after an affair, and that’s okay too! But in this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk about why affairs happen and answering the question- can we affair proof a marriage?


  • “The worst thing we can do is to think that we’re not vulnerable to having an affair or being unfaithful in our marriage.” - Dr. Kim Kimbelring
  • “A lot of couples don’t realize how valuable trust is in their marriage until it’s broken.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling 
  • “If at all possible, try not to be alone with someone of the opposite sex who isn’t your spouse.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling 
  • “Don’t stay friends with old boyfriends and girlfriends on social media.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling


  • Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order! 


Dec 3, 2019

In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about the 2nd biggest issue in marriages this year which is: sexual differences, specifically how to deal with libido differences or loss. 

We are happy to be a safe place where you can learn about sex, find yourself relating with other couples in the stories we share, and most importantly - work hard to have great sex in marriage and enjoy this gift God has given us. 

In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina share about how to deal with sexual differences in marriage.


  • “When you’re not married Satan tries to keep you in the bed, when you are married Satan tries to keep you out of the bed.” - Christina Dodson
  • “Don’t start conversations with your spouse about differences in desire and libido when you are frustrated.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling
  • “Because of our culture we all drag sexual baggage into marriage.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling
  • “One of the coolest things about sex in marriage is how it continues to evolve and grow as you learn more about each other.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling 
  • “You have to be intentional about discussing problems in your sex life, you can’t ignore these issues when they come up.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling
  • “There’s so much more to sex than just the physical act.” - Christina Dodson
  • “Your spouse needs to know that they are more important that your sexual relationship.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling
  • “Sex is an important part of a marriage but it’s not THE most important part of a marriage.” Dr. Kim Kimberling 
  • “Sex alone isn’t enough to hold a marriage together.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling


  • Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order!