
Awesome Marriage Podcast

Far too many couples are just surviving their marriage when it was meant to thrive. This is the place for practical tips on how to build an awesome marriage. Our passion is to help you strengthen your marriage. Dr. Kim Kimberling hosts the show. Dr. Kim is the President of Awesome Marriage, has been married for over 50 years, and has been a professional counselor for 40+ years. He is the author of 7 Secrets to An Awesome Marriage and 14 Keys To Lasting Love. Dr. Kim is joined by co-host Lindsay Few, Content Director for Awesome Marriage. She has been married for 20+ years. Her husband is a church planter, and they love ministering to married couples together. Tune in each week to hear practical ways on how to have an awesome marriage! This podcast is brought to you by the ministry of Awesome Marriage.
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Awesome Marriage Podcast











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Now displaying: 2016
Dec 20, 2016

Today on the podcast we welcome back special guest Rick Johnson with Dr. Kim. Rick is a best selling author, speaker, and founder of Better Dads. Rick inspires people with life-changing insights for men and women on parenting, marriage, and personal growth.

Rick joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about how spouse should come first and children should come second. They share real life examples and give practical advice on how to put your spouse first and why it’s vital to your marriage that you do that.

Tune in below to learn more about spouse first, children second!



You can purchase Rick’s book, 10 Things Great Dads Do here. Another great resource is his book, Romancing Your Better Half: Keeping Intimacy Alive in Your Marriage.

You can read more about Rick and the incredible ministry he leads by checking out BetterDads. Be sure to check out his blog for more great insights on family and marriage. You can also follow him on Twitter and Facebook.
Dec 13, 2016

Today on the podcast we have special guest Rick Johnson with Dr. Kim. Rick is a best selling author, speaker, and founder of Better Dads. Rick inspires people with life-changing insights for men and women on parenting, marriage, and personal growth.

Rick joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about the need for good fathers and how the huge amount of absent fathers is affecting our society today. They give practical advice on how to be a great Dad and how God calls men to lead their families.

Tune in below to learn more about the deep need for good fathers!



You can purchase Rick’s book, 10 Things Great Dads Do here. Another great resource is his book, Overcoming Toxic Parenting.

You can read more about Rick and the incredible ministry he leads by checking out BetterDads. Be sure to check out his blog for more great insights on family and marriage. You can also follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

Nov 8, 2016

We welcome back special guest Jim Burns on the podcast this week. Jim is an author, speaker, and President of HomeWord. HomeWord is an organization that seeks to educate, equip, and encourage parents and churches to build God-honoring families.

Jim is a leading expert in teaching healthy sexuality to children. Jim joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about how to teach your children healthy sexuality. They give practical advice on how to equip your children to have a healthy view about sex that honors God’s plan for sex. They share ways to approach the sex talk with your children at each age.

Tune in below to learn more about teaching your children healthy sexuality!



You can purchase Jim’s e-study, Teaching Your Children Healthy Sexuality here. Another great resource from is Jim’s book, How God Made Babies which you can purchase here.

You can read more about Jim and the incredible ministry he leads by checking out HomeWord. Be sure to check out his daily broadcast for more great insights on family and marriage. You can also follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

Nov 1, 2016

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast we welcome special guest Jim Burns. Jim is an author, speaker, and President of HomeWord. HomeWord is an organization that seeks to educate, equip, and encourage parents and churches to build God-honoring families.

Jim has written several books on and is a leading expert in healthy sexuality and intimacy. Jim joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about sex and it’s role in marriage as a gift from God. They share biblical insights and practical advice on how to enjoy this very special gift from God.

Tune in below to learn more about sex as a gift from God!



You can purchase Jim’s book, The Purity Code here. Another great resource from is Jim’s book, Creating An Intimate Marriage which you can purchase here. You can read more about Jim and the incredible ministry he leads by checking out HomeWord. Be sure to check out his daily broadcast for more great insights on family and marriage. You can also follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

Oct 11, 2016

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast we welcome back Deb & Ron DeArmond on the podcast. Deb is an author, a speaker, and relationship coach—helping others improve their interactions at work and at home. Deb runs her ministry at Deb DeArmond/Family Matters. Ron has co authored several books with Deb. The DeArmond’s are marriage experts and high school sweethearts.

Deb & Ron join Dr. Kim as they talk about how to not let anger fester. Anger when left to fester can destroy a marriage, Deb & Ron share advice on how to deal with anger in marriage in a healthy way. They share stories from their own marriages and practical advice on how to move past anger in marriage.

Tune in below to learn more about how not let anger corrupt your marriage!



You can purchase Deb’s new book: Don’t Go To Bed Angry here. Another great resource from Deb is her book I Choose You Today which you can purchase here. You can read more great insights from Deb on her website. You can also follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

Aug 30, 2016

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast we welcome back writer, speaker and mentor to women, Cindy Beall. Cindy joins Dr. Kim as they talk about Cindy’s latest book, Rebuilding a Marriage Better Than New.

Cindy oversees the Equipping arm on the Leading & Loving It team that ministers to pastor’s wives and women in ministry. Cindy is married to her husband Chris, who serves as the Oklahoma City Campus Pastor at and also oversees half of the OKC metro campuses.

Tune in below to learn more about what Cindy and Chris did to heal their marriage better than new.



You can purchase Cindy’s book, Rebuilding a Marriage Better Than New.

You can hear more great insights from Cindy on her blog. You can also follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

Aug 23, 2016

This week on theAwesome MarriagePodcast we welcomewriter, speaker and mentor towomen, Cindy Beall. Cindyjoins Dr. Kim as they talk about Cindy’s book, Healing YourMarriage When Trust Is Broken.

Cindy oversees the Equipping armon the Leading & Loving It team that ministers to pastor’swives and women in ministry. Cindy is married to her husband Chris,who serves as the Oklahoma City Campus Pastor at andalso oversees half of the OKC metro campuses.

Tune in below to learn moreabout how God healed Cindy’s marriage after the devastating news ofan affair.



You can purchase Cindy’s book, Healing Your Marriage When Trust Is Broken.

You can hear more great insights from Cindy on her blog. You can also follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

Cindy shared some great scripture with us including Psalm 27 and 2 Corinthians 1:3-4.

Aug 4, 2016

Today on the podcast we welcome back Kyle & Kelly. They join Dr. Kim Kimberling as they talk about their story, what happened, and how she chose to forgive after the affair. They share their honest and raw emotions, pains, and challenges.

Tune in to learn more about deciding to forgive after an affair!



You can purchase Dr. Kim's book, 7 Secrets to An Awesome Marriage here and great to pair with it is the 7 Secrets to an Awesome Marriage Discussion Guide here.

Aug 2, 2016

Today on the podcast we have the privilege of hearing one married couple’s story of how God healed them after an affair. They join Dr. Kim Kimberling as they talk about their story, what happened, and how the husband chose to walk back to God after having the affair. They share their honest and raw emotions, pains, and challenges.

Tune in to learn more about God’s healing after an affair!

Jul 28, 2016

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast we welcome back Jamie Ivey on the podcast. Jamie is a Christian speaker, writer, emcee, and the Host of her own Podcast called The Happy Hour. Jamie joins Dr. Kim as they talk about loving your spouse well and keeping love and service alive in your marriage. They share practical advice and real life stories.

Jamie and her husband Aaron have 4 children together. Jamie loves marriage and it is God’s greatest gift to her.

Tune in below to learn more about loving your spouse well!


You can hear more great insights from Jamie on her podcast. You can also follow her on Twitter and Facebook.  

You can learn more about romance and keeping love alive in your marriage with the course Romance. You can purchase the course here.

Jul 26, 2016

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast we welcome Jamie Ivey on the podcast. Jamie is a Christian speaker, writer, emcee, and the Host of her own Podcast called The Happy Hour. Jamie joins Dr. Kim as they talk about adoption and how it affects marriage. She shares real life examples of her own adoption stories and how her and her husband Aaron kept their marriage strong during the trials that come with adoption.

Jamie is a huge advocate for adoption, both domestic and international. She and her husband Aaron have 4 children together. Jamie loves marriage and it is God’s greatest gift to her.

Tune in below to learn more about adoption and marriage.


You can hear more great insights from Jamie on her podcast. You can also follow her on Twitter and Facebook.  

Jul 19, 2016

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast we have Deb & Ron DeArmond on the podcast. Deb is an author, a speaker, and relationship coach—helping others improve their interactions at work and at home. Deb runs her ministry at Deb DeArmond/Family Matters. Ron has co authored several books with Deb. The DeArmond’s are marriage experts and high school sweethearts. Deb & Ron join Dr. Kim as they talk how to make love last. They share stories from their own marriages and practical advice on how to choose your spouse every day.

Tune in below to learn more about how to make love last.



You can purchase Deb’s new book: Don’t Go To Bed Angry here. Another great resource from Deb is her book I Choose You Today which you can purchase here. You can read more great insights from Deb on her website. You can also follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

Jun 28, 2016

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast we welcome back Director of FamilyLife Blended, Ron Deal. Ron joins Dr. Kim as they about stepfamilies and how stepfamilies done well can be incredibly redemptive.

Ron is a family and marriage author, speaker, and therapist. He is the leading expert and advocate for blending families well and ministering to blended families. Ron is married to his wife Nan and a is a proud father.

Tune in below to learn more about stepfamilies and how to navigate the unique challenges that come with blending families when it comes to both marriage and parenting.  



You can purchase Ron’s latest book, The Smart Stepfamily Marriage: Keys to Success in the Blended Family.

For other great info check out You can also follow Ron on Twitter!

Ron shared about the Blended Families summit coming up in Colorado Springs, you can register here.

Jun 21, 2016

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast we have Director of FamilyLife Blended, Ron Deal. Ron joins Dr. Kim as they about second marriage and the uniqueness of blended families.

Ron is a family and marriage author, speaker, and therapist. He is the leading expert and advocate for blending families well and ministering to blended families. Ron is married to his wife Nan and a is a proud father.

Tune in below to learn more about second marriage!



You can purchase Ron’s latest book, The Smart Stepfamily Marriage: Keys to Success in the Blended Family.

For other great info check out You can also follow Ron on Twitter!

Ron shared about the Blended Families summit coming up in Colorado Springs, you can register here.

Jun 7, 2016

We welcome back Felipe and Rachael, an international couple, this week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. They join Dr. Kim Kimberling as they talk about entering into marriage as an international couple. They talk about their first 7 months of marriage and the unique challenges and joys that being international brought into their marriage.

Tune in to learn more about international marriage from Felipe and Rachael!



You can purchase Dr. Kim's book, 7 Secrets to An Awesome Marriage here and great to pair with it is the 7 Secrets to an Awesome Marriage Discussion Guide here.

May 31, 2016

Felipe and Rachael, an international couple, joins Dr. Kim Kimberling as they talk about the struggles and triumphs of long distance dating as well as cross cultural dating. They share real stories and practical advice from their personal experience. This great couple gets very real with hopes that their story will help couples walking through what they went through.

Tune in to learn how Felipe and Rachael made long distance and cross cultural work for them!



You can purchase Dr. Kim's book, 7 Secrets to An Awesome Marriage here and great to pair with it is the 7 Secrets to an Awesome Marriage Discussion Guide here.

May 10, 2016

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast we welcome back speaker, author, and founder of Crossroads Missions and Clayton King Ministries, Clayton King. Clayton joins Dr. Kim as they talk purity, relationships, love, and marriage.

Clayton is also a teaching Pastor at NewSpring Church, speaker, and author of 12 books including True Love Project. Clayton is married to Sharie and they have two sons, Jacob and Joseph. He has preached to almost two million people in 25 countries and 45 states.

Tune in below to learn more about purity and relationships!


You can purchase Clayton’s newest book, Stronger: How Hard Times Reveal God's Greatest Power.

You can hear more great insights from Clayton on his blog. You can also follow him on Twitter!

May 5, 2016

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast we have speaker, author, and founder of Crossroads Missions and Clayton King Ministries, Clayton King. Clayton joins Dr. Kim as they talk about marriage challenges in ministry.

Clayton is also a teaching Pastor at NewSpring Church, speaker, and author of 12 books including True Love Project. Clayton is married to Sharie and they have two sons, Jacob and Joseph. He has preached to almost two million people in 25 countries and 45 states.

Tune in to learn more about marriage and ministry!



You can purchase Clayton’s newest book, Stronger: How Hard Times Reveal God's Greatest Power.

You can hear more great insights from Clayton on his blog. You can also follow him on Twitter!

Apr 5, 2016

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast we welcome back professional counselor, speaker, and author of True Love Dates, Debra Fileta joining Dr. Kim as they talk about the parent’s role when it comes to dating.

Debra is happily married to John and they have two beautiful children, Elijah and Ella. Debra is a licensed professional counselor who specializes in dating, marriage, and relationship issues. She is a writer and regular contributor of Relevant Magazine and as well as author of True Love Dates: Your Indispensable Guide to Finding the Love of Your Life.


I Am Verses for Parents

True Love Dates: Your Indispensable Guide to Finding the Love of Your Life is a practical book on dating and a great resource for dating couples or singles preparing to date.

Two other great resources by Debra:

21 Days to Jump Start Your Love Life

21 Days to Pray for Your Love Life

You can hear more great insights from Debra on her blog. You can also follow her on Twitter!

Mar 29, 2016

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast we have professional counselor, speaker, and author of True Love Dates, Debra Fileta joining Dr. Kim as they talk about the foundations for healthy dating and the church's role when it comes to dating.

Debra is happily married to John and they have two beautiful children, Elijah and Ella. Debra is a licensed professional counselor who specializes in dating, marriage, and relationship issues. She is a writer and regular contributor of Relevant Magazine and as well as author of True Love Dates: Your Indispensable Guide to Finding the Love of Your Life.


True Love Dates: Your Indispensable Guide to Finding the Love of Your Life is a practical book on dating and a great resource for dating couples or singles preparing to date.

Two other great resources by Debra:

21 Days to Jump Start Your Love Life

21 Days to Pray for Your Love Life

You can hear more great insights from Debra on her blog. You can also follow her on Twitter!




Mar 8, 2016

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast we welcome back best selling author and clinical psychologist, Les Parrott. Les joins Dr. Kim as they talk about SYMBIS, a great assessment tool for premarital counseling as well as a tool that can help you deepen your relationship with your spouse and take practical steps toward a healthier marriage.



To learn more about the Dr. Kim SYMBIS Bundle: Assessment and Online Group for $75 click here. This bundle includes the SYMBIS assessment and a 3 hour live webinar with Dr. Kim going over SYMBIS and doing a Q&A. If you are engaged or dating we encourage you to take advantage of this offer!

You can purchase Les & Leslie’s most recent book, Making Happy: The Art and Science of a Happy Marriage here.

To see if Les and Leslie are speaking at event near you this year check out their event page here.

For more info on Les and Leslie you can visit their website. You can also check out their video tips for other great insights about how to have a healthy marriage.

Get inspiration for you marriage regularly by following Les on Twitter and Facebook!

Mar 1, 2016

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast we have best selling author and clinical psychologist, Les Parrott joining Dr. Kim as they talk about what it takes to build a healthy marriage.



You can purchase Les & Leslie’s most recent book, Making Happy: The Art and Science of a Happy Marriage here.

To see if Les and Leslie are speaking at event near you this year check out their event page here.

For more info on Les and Leslie you can visit their website. You can also check out their video tips for other great insights about how to have a healthy marriage.

Get inspiration for you marriage regularly by following Les on Twitter and Facebook!

Feb 9, 2016

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast we welcome back pastor and author Carey Nieuwhof. Carey and Dr. Kim talk about the challenges of parenting in today's culture.

Carey Nieuwhof is a husband, a dad to two sons and a daughter-in-law, and the founding and teaching pastor of Connexus Church north of Toronto Canada. Connexus is a North Point Strategic Partner


Leading Change Without Losing It is a practical book that will help you lead change in the face of opposition.

Parenting Beyond Your Capacity is a book Reggie Joiner and Carey wrote to help parents and church leaders leave a legacy for the next generation.

You can hear more great insights from Carey on his blog as well as his Leadership Podcast.

You can also check more out about Carey and get access to some other great resources on his website.  

Feb 2, 2016

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast pastor and author Carey Nieuwhof joins Dr. Kim as they talk about building a great marriage and also the struggles many pastors have in their own marriages.

Carey Nieuwhof is a husband, a dad to two sons and a daughter-in-law, and the founding and teaching pastor of Connexus Church north of Toronto Canada. Connexus is a North Point Strategic Partner



Leading Change Without Losing It is a practical book that will help you lead change in the face of opposition.

Parenting Beyond Your Capacity is a book Reggie Joiner and Carey wrote to help parents and church leaders leave a legacy for the next generation.

You can hear more great insights from Carey on his blog as well as his Leadership Podcast.

You can also check more out about Carey and get access to some other great resources on his website.